Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Mga Ngilngig nga Titol...

Sa dihang mka post ra gyud ko karon..kay murag busy busyhan gyud akong linya no..
Sory kau sa akong mga fans kabalo ko nga naghulat gyud mo :P hihihi..

Kagabii nisulod balik sa akong alimpatakan ang mga kuyaw og ngilngig nga mga titulo sa pelikula.
Na tuki na namo ni nila Jigs sa makadaghan nga higayon busa gusto nako e share kaninyo aron malipay pud uroy mo..

*Some scene may not suitable for very young audiences parental guidance is recommended*

tsar! mura mn og mo tan-aw og pelikula...mga titul ra gni ipakita..hihi

Pang Hollywood:

Harry Potter and the Horny Maggots
The Return of the Great Comeback
007: Tomorrow Never Lies
Mickey Mouse the Moving
The Spider and The Man
A Whole New Worms

Sariling Atin:

Uhaw si Bayaw
Gubat sa Gitna ng Dagat
Sampalin mo Hanggang Mamaga
Minahal kita ngunit, Kulang...
Series of Mano Po: ManoPa Book7
Isang Linggong Pag-ihi
Bakit ka naging Akin?
Ginalaw mo ang Kuya ko
Kamandag ni Pedring Demonyo
Isang Balasa ka Lang Part 2
Utosan na Katulong

Indi Film:

Takbuhan sa Pinyahan
Basa' sa Bugwak
Ang gulay ni Tatay
Gi-shake, na Ratol gi Roll pa!
Ang Pagkain ni Antonino

Sa karon mao pa gyud na among na natuki nga mga butang, kung naa mo ikadalit o ika share ayaw kaulaw hala cge ipadayag imong gibati basig naa diay kay hidden talent sa mga titol sa pelikula basig mo click diay na puhon..basig dunay kay potential mamahimong director wala ta kabalo lingin ang na unsa ba pataka nlng mn ko og yaw-yaw..Unya mao rato..

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Oh my! i like this one!

When i first heard this song it really catches me, the melody is nice as well as the lyrics.
I cant help myself to listen to it again and again :P
Lot's of memories started to recall upon listening to this. *happy and sad*

Thanks to my office mate who send me this song. I think i got it from Belle.

I was asking her that time to gave me a couple of songs and luckily this one is one of it.

So i just want to share it also with you guys, and i hope you'll like it too.

Purest of Pain ( A Puro Dolor ) by Son by Four

I'm sorry I didn't mean to call you but I couldn't fight
I guess I was weak and couldn't even hide
And so I surrender just to hear your voice
I know how many times I said I'm gonna live with out
And maybe someone else is standing there beside
But there's something baby that you need to know
That deep inside me I feel like I'm dying,
I have to see you it's all that I'm asking.


Vida, give me back my fantasies
The courage that I need to live
The air that I breathe
Cariño mio, my world's becomes so empty
My day's are so cold and lonely
And each night I taste the purest of pain.

I wish I could tell you I'm feeling better every day
That I didn't hurt when you walked away
But to tell you the truth I can't find my way
And deep inside me I feel like I'm dying
I have to see you it's all that I'm asking...Baby!!

*Repeat Chorus2x*

I'm sorry I didn't mean to call you but I couldn't fight
I guess I was weak and couldn't even hide and so I surrender just to hear your voice...

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